Main Page
This wiki is created by and for SBU Physics & Astronomy graduate students only. If you are a grad student and you don't have an account, you can request an account, or contact the current Physics Graduate Student Association Director of Media jacob dot a dot smith at stonybrook dot edu
or sbupgsa at gmail dot com
If you are a professor or an administrator, we appreciate your contributions to and interest in graduate student life, but we kindly request that you respect our privacy. If you have a comment or concern, please, contact sbupgsa at gmail dot com
Featured Pages
- Incoming student portal (public)
- Comprehensive exams (public)
- Guide to living on Long Island
- Student matters (research and classes)
- Important logistical concerns
- Advice for how to approach your degree
- Mentorship program
- Other important organizations
- Students to contact for advice
- Core courses
- Breadth courses
- Summer Friday socials
Course Materials
Graduate students are invited to share their knowledge with each other through our file sharing system on this wiki. Several courses that are being addressed or need additional materials are:
- Quantum Mechanics (Full QM 1 and 2 materials uploaded)
- Classical Mechanics (Full CM materials uploaded)
- Statistical Mechanics (Full SM materials uploaded)
- Classical Electrodynamics (Notes and old HW and solutions uploaded)
- To upload a file, please go to upload a file
We have started a forum for general use. If you would like to create a new category or forum, please, contact an administrator. Feel free to talk about anything and everything.
Important External Pages
- Graduate course listings
- Course listings from bulletin (includes description)
- PhD requirements:
- Department website (more comprehensive)
- Graduate bulletin (more accurate)
- Graduate calendar (Fall 2019)
- University calendar (Fall 2019 - Summer 2020)
- SOLAR login
- Getting a non-driver photo ID
Community Guidelines
Welcome to the Physics Grad Student Wiki! Please add any information you think will be valuable to other grad students. But when you do, make sure that you
- Cite your sources, either with a
tag or in the Discussion page, if your information conflicts with what's already there - If you have questions or problems consult the Wikimedia help pages, especially the formatting page, or ask me
- Write as clearly and concisely as you can
- When making new pages, make sure you can get to them from the home page
- Don't be a jerk