Over the Summer there are numerous events at SBU, including the Simons Summer Workshop, weekly Summer Socials hosted by the various research groups, and the ongoing teatime and activities in the new D129-Grad Lounge.
Please visit our wiki for more information, as well as for resources on moving to Long Island, succeeding academically, and studying for the comprehensive exams.
Cameron Clarke
PGSA President
Julio Virrueta
PGSA Secretary
Nikko Pomata
PGSA Upperclassperson Member-at-Large
About PGSA
- Here is Our SBLife webpage. Please register as our SBLife membership count is how the GSO determines how much money to give us.
- Here our important documents are available.
- Here our Facebook page is available, please like us there to get updates on Facebook.
- Here is the GRAD TALKS thursday afternoon graduate seminar series webpage.
- Here Steven Segona's comprehensive exam resource webpage is available.
- Here our comprehensive exam and general study materials Github is available. Anyone can contribute to the repository, though the material will be checked before being added in.
- Here our general grad school and physics program information Wiki is available. Feel free to request a user account. We are keeping it private so that the information we share does not spread too widely, but anyone can get an account as long as they treat the wiki respectfully.
Hello Everyone,
Last semester, it was suggested at the grad student town hall regarding the comps that we form a student organization with the purpose of planning events for the graduate students in the department and voicing concerns on our behalf, among other things, stated in the Constitution attached below. A group of us have undertaken the task of establishing such an entity and, as of April 25th, the Physics Graduate Student Association (PGSA) is a University Recognized Student Organization!
Our second election is done! Congratulations to the new officers!
- President: Nikko Pomata
- Vice President: Samet Demircan
- Treasurer: Cameron Clarke
- Secretary: Dallas DeMartini
- Historian: Sam Homiller
- Director of External Affairs: Julio Virrueta
- Director of Outreach: Daniel Gift
- Upperclassperson Member-at-Large: Niveditha Ram
- Underclassperson Member-at-Large: Gabriel Cardoso
If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, feel free to email The PGSA officers.
Physics Graduate Student Association
Board of Directors
The Constitution