Course placement

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During orientation week you will be able to present to several faculty members proof that you have taken an equivalent course to any of the four core courses (Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, and Classical Electrodynamics). They will expect as much of the following as you can bring:

  • Syllabus
  • Course materials (lecture notes, textbook)
  • Your own notes

If they deem you ineligible to place out of these courses based on your coursework, but you're confident you know the material, you may be able to place out by taking the corresponding comprehensive exam at the placement level.

It is possible to transfer credits - up to 6 old credits that are grad classes from a previous school, but they can't have been used to obtain a previous degree (I.e. No transferring of masters degree requirements). This is different from PhD students being able to get the PhD class requirement waived for core classes if they have taken them in the past.

Similarly, if you've taken an extended practical lab class similar to the graduate lab here, you may be able to exempt yourself from one, two, or all three of the labs required if you show the faculty your lab reports from your previous course.